Welcome to The Learning Foundry. I am Kamil Wezka and this is my personal blog site. If you stumbled upon this page with hope to find some information about metal or glass recasting then I have to disappoint you, sorry. I will be working here to write articles that touch areas of NaturalandComputer Sciences, Technology, and a bit on personalHistory and subjects that matter to me. I would like to expose some of my own thoughts and considerations on personal development and learning as well. To make reading more fun I will try to produce my own drawings hoping they can clarify some of the concepts that I am trying to convey.

In the longer term, I am aiming to include some articles on data analysis projects that I am planning to undertake in my spare time. Hence, I would like to share these insights on issues that are happening around us but somehow are diluted in the daily events of our lives. These include air pollution, energy consumption and climate change but will also touch the quality of life index and wealth distribution.

Why do I bother? Well, I like finding how things work around us and these topics appear to be a good challenge and an opportunity to learn new things. Secondly, I wanted to do this for a long time but I always have been held up by my internal inertia. I will talk about this on some of my posts.

Lastly, anything I write here represents my views only. I would never want my employers, collegues or anyone be put in a bad spot. If I say something controversial, it is probably because of my childlike scientific curiosity, nothing else.