My favourite french classic - Dauphinoise Potatoes

14 Aug 2021

Some preliminary words

I would like to share with you with special to my heart recipie. I added some slight modifications to the classic preparation process over the years. Today I am finally happy with the result. The recipe of these scrumptious potatoes goes well, either with poultry, beef or lamb and of course my favorite red wine jus.


The ingriedients are as follows:

  • About 6-7 medium size of Mary Piper;
  • About 125ml of full cream + about 65ml of milk ;
  • 2-3 finely chopped gloves of garlic;
  • 2 stalks of Rosemary, finely chopped;
  • 2-3 shallots, finely chopped;
  • 2 cups of Gruyere or Emmental cheese;
  • A knob of butter, about 1-2 tbsps;
  • Salt & pepper to season;
  • 2 tbsps of olive oil;

Visualising the ingredients:

I begun having fun with Photoshop so I though Icreate a visual summary of the ingredients:

How to make Dauphinoise Potatoes step by step

This recipie is farily approachable and it involves just a relatively straighforward steps:

  1. Add oil, butter, chopped shallots and garlic to a pan. Sweat shallots and garlic on medium heat.
  2. Add chopped rosemary, season and stir the shallots. Pour the cream and milk into the pan. Turn to very low heat and heat up until hot but don't let it boil. Then take the pan off the heat.

  3. Peel then slice potatoes to about 2mm of thickness. You can slice it with a knife or invest in a Mandoline Slicer which makes life a lot easier.

  4. Put the cream mixture back on medium heat and fold the sliced potatoes into the cream. Stir occassionally so they don't stick to the bottom of the pan and burn; reduce heat if necessary. Taste cream for seasoning. Continue until starch is released into the creamy mixture and potatoes have softened. When the cream begins to have a glue like consistency take it off the heat.

  5. Transfer a layer of creamy potatoes into a heat-proof dish. Cover with grated cheese and repeat until you fill up the dish.

  6. Cook the potatoes in the oven at temperature of 180-200°C or 350-390 °F for about 50-60 minutes. Poke the potatoes in the middle with small sharp knife, if you feel some resistance keep them for a little longer. If the top starts getting too brown cover it with tin foil. Stand 5 minutes before serving. Voilà! Enjoy 🥰!

Serving suggestion

I adore this recipie with roasted chicken breasts with apricot lemon & lime glaze, vegatables and red wine jus - I will add a link soon.

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